Third Sector International (3Si) is a training centre based n Seville, Spain, that is dedicated to the social, economic and cultural integration.

They manage hundreds of internships for international students and professionals. These internships cover several different fields, including the creative arts, culinary arts and sciences.


What was my role?

I worked with 3Si's marketing team as a content creator/designer.
This involved working on and designing content for two other companies that the 3Si marketing team had responsibility for.

These companies were an international language school and a brand new hostel that was planning to open it’s doors in the new year.

This included working in a few different creative fields such as: Visual Design, Web Design, Marketing, Photography and Writing.


Here is some of my highlighted work from my time at 3si


 Intern Interviews



At 3Si we needed to create content that represented what the organisation did and show the company and it’s projects in a positive education-forward light.

The target audience for this content was professionals and students that would like to join the program as interns and also potential companies that would partner with 3Si and host these interns.

A great way to create this content in a colorful and productive way, was to travel around the city and interview the current interns that 3Si looked after.

This way I could photograph them in their placements and ask them how they enjoyed the experience and also ask them what tips they would give to future interns.
I composed, shot and produced all aspects of the interviews myself.


It was important to design the content differently for each engagement channel we were using.

This way we took full advantage of our storytelling limitations that each channel provided.

Here I've displayed the same interview for print, Instagram and a blog post for the 3Si website.






Caption on post:
’Meet Kristine👋 one of our current Erasmus Plus participants from @Capacity London. We sat down with her to talk about creativity, the city and having fun in Sevilla. Would you like to know more about her experience 🧐? Read the full article in our blog 📚Link in bio! 🔝 #'erasmusplus #experiences #sevillaworkplacement #erasmussevilla #workexperience’


Blog Post


For the website’s blog post I wanted to make something special.

I’ve always felt a great way to create something eye catching is to add a bit of movement.

So I created a fun little animated title graphic for the interview using AfterEffects.

It features the name of the subject ‘Kristine’
along with famous landmarks of Seville ‘popping’
up below her name.
After each landmark pops up new text appears under the landmarks with the title of the interview.

’The creative who fell in love with Seville’


The landmarks included: The Alamillo Bridge, La Giralda, Sevilla Tower and the Esfera Bioclimática Expo92 (aka: The Big Ball).


 Ibarra Hostel

At my time with 3Si one of the major projects was the new boutique hostel that was to open it’s doors to the public in the new year.

I was tasked with designing and creating content for the project.

My plan was to create a one page website to help showcase the hostel.

As the location was yet to open officially there would currently be no need for a booking process.
There was three major requirements laid out to me:

  • We needed great photos of the surrounding area and internal photos of the hostel: including the bedrooms and shared kitchen area.

  • An address and pin pointed location with a map to show how central the hostel will be in the city.

  • Despite there being limited information the site needed to look full, bright and attractive.

Quick Turnaround

There was quite a quick deadline for this project so diligent work was required.

As photographer and designer for the project it was important for me to be very organised as I needed enough time to research designs, take and edit photos, design the site and create a prototype to show the owners.

Within two weeks I was able to build up enough content and create a simple one page design for the hostel.

Thankfully we were able to bring the prototype to the owners sooner then expected and have the design approved along with an album of photos for future social media posts.


Prototypes and Designs

Desktop Layout - Click Image to open


 Intern Portraits


Sonic Security Systems - Branding/Graphic Design