
DPMORAN as a pixel guy

A pixel portrait of myself I made

Hello my name is Donal Paul.

In the past I’ve been a photographer, a visual artist, a technician,
a café manager, a content manager and a whole bunch of other things.

In every one of these positions my main ethos has always been user/customer engagement.
I am a proven team leader and very detail focused.

I’m currently looking to bring my skill and my personality into a new role.
I am always up-skilling and I am currently engrossed in the world of accessibility design.



Explored the medium of photography within the context of art, communications, the moving image and critical theory.


Created multiple digital artifacts across different platforms.
Strong focus on prototyping, iteration and development techniques.


Enrolled to hone my skills in UX Design.
Developed skills for workflows, interaction, prototyping and wire-framing.

My Career Story


A Image of a pixel version of a coffee cup
An image of a pixel drawing of a SLR camera

What follows is a quick summery of most of my working career.

I like to believe I have had a colorful career story,
With each profession involving a different high level skill.

After my studies in Photography I was an assistant to a few photographers on professional jobs such as weddings, fashion shoots and other commercial productions.
While I was working in this season dependent field I also started working in the service industry as a barista for an Irish café and sandwich chain called ITSA.

I left ITSA as a manager of their HQ branch and moved to New York City.
While in NYC I started working for a café chain called Think Coffee.
I was hired as a Café Supervisor but was offered to assist the company as a Social Media Intern.
I helped with the design and implementation of the online advertising campaigns as well as acted as the company's in-house photographer.

Working with Think Coffee was an exciting and worthwhile experience and I was lucky to be involved with such a growing and socially aware brand. I was there for only one year but saw the company grow from five locations to eight in this time.

I eventually returned to Ireland where I took a job as a Technical and Media assistant for a house alarm system start up called HomeSecure.
My title came with varied responsibilities including: mastering restrictive software to programming and maintaining hardware, tech support, web design and stock control. I eventually left Homesecure so that I could focus on my studies for my Master’s Degree in Creative Digital Media

During my studies I picked up a part time job for a short term and short lived property company called Host Ready.
My job was often client facing, involved small team management, creating content for clients and taking control of issues that would arise on a daily basis.
It was a educating experience, it gave me more confidence when dealing with multiple problems under pressure and talking to clients directly. 

A pixel version of myself typing on a keyboard

After my studies I worked freelance for a while helping small businesses set up websites and an online presence.

Eventually I accepted an opportunity at an consultancy agency called Accenture
I was working on a Social Media Management project based in Dublin and was a member of a number of different teams within the project.
My job consisted of content review analysis and global trend watching.
In May 2021 I was spotlighted as an Important Contributor to the global project.
While I was here I also worked to getting my professional certificate in User Experience Design from the UXDI.

More recently I had been working in Sevilla, Spain.
There I was with the international training center Third Sector International.

I worked primarily with their marketing team, which had three varied companies that we were responsible for.
A language school, a Hostel and The Training center itself.

My role included photography, videography, interviews, web design, copy-writing and ideation.

Although I was only there for three months I believe I helped enrich their content and bring some elements of their content design process into the future.

And that’s me!

Please do contact me if you have any questions.



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