Working on a new Graphic Adventure

I'm developing a short graphical adventure game inspired by a comic I read many moons ago.
I wanted to share some of the works in progress. This blog post will be updated every few days with progress.

Update 1 : style tests

current design and walk cycle,

The game’s narrative and character design focus on environmentalism, displacement, and war, featuring Irish wild animals as characters. The main character, a fox, navigates a constantly shifting world, reflecting the turmoil of those forcefully removed from their homeland.

Each animal character, from the cunning fox to a wise badger or resourceful hare, embodies traits essential for survival, contributing to the themes of adaptation and resilience. The fractured, changing narrative style mirrors the instability and confusion caused by environmental and territorial changes.

This first few design ideas will now be passed along to friends and piers for some feedback and punch-up ideas, before I start working on other characters and background ideas.

But personally I’m into it so far ;)

first character test.

Update 2: The Badger and more ideas

Building on my last update, I have started working on new walk cycles for other Irish animals, this time creating an earthy background. This is part of my process for developing the world they inhabit. It helps me visualise the environment for these fractal creatures, allowing me to see not just where they live, but how they move around in it. I have decided to refine the previous design by incorporating a paper cut-out style with drop shadows and a white outline, giving the appearance of pieces of paper being moved around.

His name is Bart. Say hello Bart.


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