What is Sickle Cell?

Planning, animation and design.
I recently dug up this info video I created. I found it in the crevices of my overstuffed external hard drive. Some time back, I collaborated with a volunteer group supported by the Sickle Cell Society of Ireland to develop an app for individuals afflicted with Sickle Cell.

In an effort to comprehend the condition better and concurrently establish a visual concept for the app, I produced a brief video elucidating what Sickle Cell entails and its impact on individuals.

The Video

Crafted within a span of just two weeks, the design was fashioned through the collaborative efforts of two design sessions. The group brainstormed concepts such as vibrant colours, promoting fluidity, and imbuing the video with an overarching optimistic tone and sentiment towards the condition.

Usually, for my sins, I’m a 2D frame-by-frame kinda animated. However, this was my first time using rigging for After Effects using Duik. Now I can’t imagine using anything else.

I really like how all the animation flows together quite nicely, although I think I was to make it again and I’d make it a less blood red. I know certain people can feel a bit woozy. 🥴

The App and it’s demise

The main idea was mostly supposed to be a pain tracker for Sickle Cell sufferers, where they could quickly track pain and treatments helping those afflicted to best work out their triggers and what medicines work best. A nice idea but with many note apps that are more customisable and adaptable there was no need and of course no money for the project to continue. But I enjoyed creating this little educational video.


Working on a new Graphic Adventure


Portraits IN HOWTH.