GSD: Why is it so hard?

GSD if you are not aware stands for Getting Shit Done. When it comes to my personal creative projects recently I’ve been greatly lacking GST. 

Inspiration from a friend 

A friend of mine recently released a trailer for his full feature length movie. A movie I was on set for a few days of production.
On those days I was witness to a small dedicated and generous team, who together got to this point due to the accumulation of hours and hours of GST.
We had scripts, storyboards, professional equipment and a design department. For a low budget indie film a lot of these hours were volunteered, but volunteered happily because of the creative pursuit of the project.

Over to me
For the last year I’ve been working on a short animation called ‘Sock’. I use the word ‘working’ lightly. What I really mean is I’ve been staring at the project file on my desktop.

Sock (and I’m going to say it) WILL BE a short animated film about failing to let go of the past and deciding to finally do something about it. It was therapy to an extent for me but harrowing now that the project is currently in an inactive stage trapped under a deep thick blanket of irony.

SOCK film title image.

SOCK film title image.


But I think part of getting into the habit of creative practice is also not to punish yourself too harshly when something goes awry. 

Yes it’s been a few months since I’ve opened the dreaded ‘SOCK-WORK FILE’ so much so it’s likely to have dust at this stage.
But It’s not like I haven't done anything. I still have a storyboard, a script, reference videos, a technical process that I’m proud of.

It’s hard to try and get in to the right mindset when you feel like there’s so much to do just so you can get going.

But I need to remember, I’ve done most of the work already just by finishing the idea.

Being Good to myself

Originally I started writing this note to gush over those with GSD, which I still am. They are amazing.
But now I’ve also triggered a bit of that GSD magic in myself right now. After this I think I will indeed blow off the dust get the crowbar out and crack over ‘Sock-Work File’

I hope if you’re reading this you can derive some inspiration from this blathering man who’s just had a lightbulb appear over his head.

My quick storyboard for SOCK

My quick storyboard for SOCK


A lil’ Blog Animation


ACCESSIBILITY Design: It’s Damn Important